EAA Tin Goose Visit 2012



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EAA Ford Trimotor visit at Vero Beach Airport 2012

On April 16-18, 2012 EAA Chapter 99 hosted a stop of the vintage airliner on it´s tour through the country. Nicknamed "The Tin Goose", the Ford 4AT-E Trimotor airplane was built in 1929. After a 12 year restoration it was painted in the colors of Eastern Air Transport. The Ford Trimotor was the first all-metal, purpose-built airliner that took to the skies in 1925. The plane cruises at 85 mph. Reservations could be made by calling 877-952-5395 or online at FlyTheFord.org. Tickets could also be bought last minute at the gate.

Organizing the event was a bit tough. When the notice of the visit came, Chapter 99 was heavily involved in Aviation Day preparations. With insufficient time to organize and advertise the event, there was no time to involve other clubs or publicize the visit in coming events calendars. The Chapter handbook sent to us sounded pretty good, however there did not seem to be any coordination at head quarters concerning support with media coverage or advertising. Nonetheless the event turned out good:

Many aviation enthusiasts took the chance and booked a 15 minute ride. Since nine people at a time can ride in the plane one can imagine that both the plane and Chapter members were busy all flying days.


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